It took me a long time to find a solution to replace the OEM McLaren air filters with a better solution which was both re-usable and non oiled. My research and insights can be found on my blog post here: Ultimate McLaren Air Filter Kit
In short my research drew me to EMF. Like Alias23, EMF are a community driven business which set out to design the best filter possible for the McLaren leveraging good quality materials and construction for a quality product.
These filters are not oiled and don’t need to be replaced every major service. They’re the only dry media reusable filter I’ve found on the market for McLaren. Providing a little extra breathing capacity whilst still filtering down to 4-5 micron per ISO5001. For extra safety the EMF guys designed the filter with a robust exoskeleton that will not collapse under pressure. Cleaning is also super easy, just blow them out from the inside with 35 psi with a blow gun from an air compressor or car air dryer.
So there you have it the best dry media, reusable, designed by the community, Mclaren air filters now stocked and available for UK and EU shipping :)